Push Pull Legs Workouts | Weekly Workout Plan (Schedule)

Why Push Pull Legs Workout Plan is best?

The push pull legs (PPL) exercise plan is broadly viewed as one of the most amazing exercise plans for those hoping to fabricate muscle, strength, and generally speaking wellness. this exercise plan is intended to work all significant muscle bunches in a decent manner. The push practices work the chest, shoulders, and rear arm muscles; pull practices work the back and biceps; and leg practices focus on the lower body muscles. This exercise plan is likewise time-productive, as you can finish a full-body exercise in one meeting without investing a lot of energy in any one region. 

push pull legs workout

Push Day Exercises

1. Bench Press - this exercise is a classic and is great for building chest, triceps, and shoulders. You can perform it using a barbell or dumbbells.

2. Incline Bench Press - This exercise is similar to the bench press, but is performed on an incline bench, targeting the upper chest.

3. Dumbbell Raise - This exercise will help tone your pectoral muscles and build upper body strength. This can be done lying on a horizontal bench or an incline bench.

4. Shoulder Press - This exercise is great for building strong, defined shoulders. You can do this using a barbell or dumbbell.

5. Push-ups- They are a great bodyweight exercise to work your chest, triceps and shoulders. There are many variations of the push-up, including wide-grip, close-grip, and incline push-ups.

6. Triceps Dip - This exercise is for the triceps and can be performed in dips or dips.

7. Cable Dips - This exercise targets the pectoral muscles and can be done with a machine.

8. Overhead Triceps Extension - This exercise targets the triceps and can be performed using dumbbells or a cable.

You should choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to safely lift it the number of times you want. Also, don't forget to warm up thoroughly before exercising and cool down after exercising.

Pull Day Exercises

1. Pull-up- This is a classic compound exercise that targets the back, biceps and biceps. You can target different muscle groups using different grips such as wide, close or neutral.

2. Lat Pull Downs- This exercise targets the upper back and lats. For versatility, you can use a variety of fixtures such as wide bars or V-shaped bars.

3. Barbell rows- This exercise targets the upper and lower back and biceps. You can do bent over rows or pendley rows to vary your movements.

4. Dumbbell row- This exercise targets the upper back and lats. You can pull with one or two hands and vary the angle of the bench.

5. Seated Cable Rows- This exercise works your mid back and lats. A variety of attachments and handles are available for a variety of uses.

6. Face Pull- This exercise targets the rear deltoids, upper back and traps. This is a great exercise to correct your posture and prevent shoulder injuries.

7. Biceps Curl- This exercise targets the bicep curls. You can bend your arms using dumbbells, barbells, or cables.

Choose different exercises that target different muscle groups, and remember to adjust the weight and number of repetitions based on your fitness level and goals. It's also important to use proper technique and do a proper warm-up before exercise to avoid injury.

Leg Day

1. Barbell Squat- This exercise targets the quads, hamstrings and glutes. This is a compound exercise that also strengthens your core.

2. Deadlift- This exercise works the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. It is also a compound movement that strengthens the grip and forearms.

3. Leg Press- This exercise targets the quads, hamstrings and glutes. This is a mechanical exercise that allows you to lift more weight than the squat.

4. Lunges- This exercise targets the quads, hamstrings and glutes. You can add variety to your movements by performing walking lunges, reverse lunges, or stationary lunges.

5. Leg Extension- This exercise targets the quads. This is a mechanical exercise that isolates the quadriceps.

6. Leg Curl- This exercise targets the hamstrings. This is a mechanical exercise that isolates the hamstrings.

7. Calf Raises- This exercise works the calves. You can use a seated calf raise, a standing calf raise, or a calf raise machine.

8. Hip Leg or Hip Thrust- This exercise targets the gluteal muscles. You can do glute bridge or hip rows with a barbell, dumbbell, or just your body weight.


In conclusion, the Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) workout plan is an effective and popular training program that emphasizes complex movements and provides a balanced approach to strength training. On pulling days, focus on your back, biceps, and biceps, and on leg days, focus on your lower body muscles.


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